Boring of all that Candy Style jewelery ?? Want to wear the real stuff ?
Our evilrings and bracelets are made only of strong massive and heavy 925 sterling silver. No excuse they are HEAVY !
We offer you Skulls, Symbols, Gems, Pirates and Biker Rings - all handemade with a lot of detailing. Check out our new bracelets - pure fine 925 sterling silver - massive and HEAVY - like our Rings.
Evilrings are all handmade and simply a little more wicked than everything you have seen before. We garantee even if you find a similar one on the market - it is not the same ! evilrings are more: - massive - Heavy - Handmade in Germany!
In everyone of us a Rocker & Rebel is living.
So come in my friend - heavens "Shop" doors open for you!
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