We offer high adventure products for your best time of life. Not onnly for motorcycle lovers.
Our Kevlar improved Jeans are fitting like perfect modern made Jeans, soft, easy and comfortable. But they protect you much better then a usual made Denim Jeans. Also they are waterrepelliant !
You will be convinced and satisfied !!
Our German made Biker rings and Bracelets are all handmade from solid sterling silver. They are much more wicked and solid like you never was feeling on your fingers before. We are specialized in the most extraordenary skull rings world wide.
Look out more information is comming soon.
Yours Stephan Kropp
(Founder of High Adventure Products)
Our both Web-Shops for King Kerosin Denim and Evilrings will be online soon ! Stay tuned and register for our newsletter at contact page !